Is it Summer Yet?
Wow almost the whole month of May with out any posts, what have I been doing?? Here it is after Memorial day weekend, the traditional start of summer and it was 45ºF out this morning. I do hope Summer weather comes soon.
The picture on the left is of Aiden pretending he is much older and riding a motorcycle. It is the neighbors electric scooter/dirt bike. But based on how quickly Aiden climbed up on it we will have to look out for broken bones in his future.
The next item that has been sucking up lots of Danith and my time is designing and bidding out our backyard patio. We obtained three competing bids, each contractor asked different questions but one stood above the others. They had the best design and moderate prices for most of the work. Click here to see the design that they proposed. It has a nice seating area, an area for a fire pit and lots of places for greenery. I hope we get the patio done before summer is too far gone to enjoy it.
On Monday Brandon and I went down to Rochester to visit his Grandma and Grandpa Braun. It was a wonderful day and we spent most of it outdoors. He particularly enjoyed a ride on a paddle boat with me and Grandma while he sat on the back fishing. (He came back empty handed). While walking near the dock he happened to find a large goose egg. I did not get a picture of that but his eyes were wide at the size of the egg and he was super excited to tell his class about it on Tuesday.
While I was there we talked about our July trip to Iowa. We are planning on staying outside Des Moines in Altoona. The hotel we choose is close to Adventure Land which just happens to be one of our stops. There is supposed to be a nice train ride tour which I think the kids will enjoy. The only part I think the kids will not enjoy will be the car ride there of course!
Now it is just up to Mister Sun to come out for the summer and play. Mister Sun, come out whereever you are! While waiting for Mister Sun Brandon will be chasing the ducks…