Painting, Painting and more Painting
Hello my name is Rick and it has been about a month since my last post. “Hello Rick, welcome to bloggers anonymous”. At least it seems I have developed an adversion to posting blog updates so please forgive me.
Lets start with a quick recap since the last post. Over Labor day we went to visit my father in northern Wisconson. While there we swam in the lake, moved his dock, chopped down a few trees and generally had a great time enjoying the last few days of warm weather. A quick funny story about downing one of the trees.. Since this particular tree was leaning over my dad’s wooden steps we tied a rope to the middle of the tree so that I could direct the tree away from the steps. As the tree fell I was pushing on the rope, the tree turned to fall the correct way and the rope went slack. This caused me to start to fall down, which then caused the tree to fall a different way, which caused the rope to quickly tighten up, which finally cased me to go flying. Humorous for everyone involved except me!
After that it was time for Brandon to start 1st grade. Tuesday the 4th we walked him off to the bus and he left for the day. He came home with homework almost every day since. He is officially a student now.
The 6th we started painting our kitchen. We, by we I mean Danith :), picked a darker red shade to help contrast the tile and wood. After edging for a few hours Danith, he sister Megan, and I painted the kitchen. This was a bit harder due to all the painting above the cabinets. But after a hard days work we got the primer down along with the first coat of paint. Sunday morning Danith and I touched up the few spots that needed touching up. I was hesitant of the color at first but have come to like it.
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This past weekend we continued our painting project. It started with a darker brown color above our fireplace which Danith did while Brandon was at his bowling league. I did not mention he started his first bolwing league. :). When Brandon and I returned we started in on the “golden mushroom” color for the dining room and livingroom. Another full Saturday of painting later and we once again had a good looking living room.
Sunday morning consisted of some quick touch-ups, moving furniture back and removing the painters tape.
Sunday afternoon we went to Ammodt’s Apple Orchard to get our yearly apple brats, apple wine and apples. This was a quick trip as the weather turned on us while we were there.
Nothing more to say other than my Green Bay Packers are 2-0 with their new QB Aaron Rogers! Go pack.
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