Mill City Museum Tour

This past weekend we went to the Mill City Museum which is in Minneapolis. This museum is inside the old Gold Metal flour buildings and focuses on the milling industry that built Minneapolis. It was very interesting to hear about the history of the area.

Milling flour was a very dangerous business.. You may not think so but flour has 70 times the power per weight than gun powder. As you mill flour is produces a fine dust that spreads in the air. If there are any sparks or flames this fine powder ignites and causes all the other particles in the air to also ignite which causes a large explosion. The mill building either was blown up or burned down 3 times in it’s history.

They gave a presentation that demonstrated the power of flour dust.. I was able to record it on my phone in the low light, take a look below.

Otherwise this weekend was spent giving the house a much needed full cleaning. I washed the floors, Danith cleaned the bathrooms and the kids helped pick up all of their toys. Max did not help, I need to train him better I think. 🙂

Tomorrow Danith is hosting a Bunco party at our house, so I am packing the kids up and taking them to Chucky Cheese. Brandon is excited and I am sure Aiden will enjoy himself once we get there.

10. November 2008 by Rick
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