Another busy weekend

Friday was Brandon’s last day of beginning karate and he is now a level two white belt. I am not sure if we will sign up for karate again soon but perhaps when he gets a bit older. He had a good time but was not too into it, so maybe next year for his yellow belt.

Later that evening Brandon went to his first school dance. It was a pajama party! He was really excited to go and see his friends and get “sugared” up on soda. Since we had Karate first we came 30 minutes late and all the soda was already gone :(, but there was still some popcorn. After 10 minutes of being shy Brandon found his friend Hunter as well as others and had a great time.

This weekend marked the real Minnesota beginning of summer. Thunderstorms, rain and gorgeous warm weather. So we spend most of it outside. Saturday Brandon spent time with his Grandpa Swenson and was taken to various parks near Stillwater. Aiden stayed with me at home and played on the swing set and in the front yard, while Danith finished up a quilting project with her mother.

We also decided to rearrange the garage as the summer toys, bikes, sports gear, etc were too much to have out and allow us to park. We had two plastic shelving units that we really did not use due to their small shelves and tipsiness, so away they went. Now what to do..

The first step was to buy a wall bike rack to hold both my bike and Danith’s bike. I found a small folding bike rack at Menards and I am surprised that you can easily store two bikes in a three foot deep section. If we have both bikes out the unit folds up to the wall although I doubt we will ever fold it up.

Next was some custom shelves. So above the recycling bin and garbage (and the newly hanging bikes) I created a 8 foot long shelf. This should get all the non-kid related items up and out of the way. At the moment not much is there but a few boxes of miscellaneous items. The second set of shelves will be designed around storage bins. I have yet to compelte this step but I plan on getting 6 large bins for all the kids stuff, label them and make a three shelf high unti to hold them all. Easily accessible by the kids and nice and neat. I will let you know how this pans out. :))

02. June 2008 by Rick
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