Last few weeks

Sorry once again for the delays between posts.. I will have to do better.. Here is what the Fryar family has been up to recently.

Since building our house in 2003, our sump pump has always ran. It came as a shock the first time our basement almost flooded as the builder assured us that we would never need a sump pump. Our pump runs all summer, even during droughts, it even runs a few times in the middle of winter!

To deal with all this excess water we decided to bury a drainage pipe. On June 17th I rented a trench digger and dug a line on each side of my lot, one for my house and for each neighbor since they had similar water issues.

It took 3 long days of fixing broken sprinkler pipes, moving dirt and gluing pipe but we finally finished. Hopefully the backyard will not become a swampland this summer.

On the 18th I got a call from Brandon’s Cottage Grove summer program that he fell while climbing up a playground ladder and hit his eye. It was swollen shut when I arrived and we went to his doctor. After a few X-Rays they determined that his orbital (The bones in the skull around the eye) were not cracked. Thankfully he recovered nicely and just had a large shiner for the third time in his life.
That weekend we went down to my mothers house in Rochester and met up with my step Brother’s family. The picture on the left is Brandon and Aiden with his cousins, Janessa, Jacob and Jerrica. It was a beautiful day to be outside fishing at the pond, paddle boating, and eating outside.

Brandon and the other kids caught lots of bluegills a few carp and a bass or two. Here is a good picture of BG with one of his fish.

After fishing for a while Danith and Sandy went for a canoe ride, and the kids and Grandma went for a paddle boat ride. Brandon accidentally dropped part of his fishing pole in the water. Mike thought he could dive down for it and jumped in. He could not quite reach it but it was pretty funny to see him in the water.

He also had to help tow the paddleboat to shore when the rope got stuck in the paddle wheel. What an exciting day!

So the last bit of news was from Brandon’s last tee-ball game. It was at a park near our house so we just all biked there. Aiden was ready to to play as well and hoped they would call on him to be a pinch hitter but they never did.

Brandon did well in his last game. He got to play 1st base, 3rd base and catcher. He also was the “clean up” hitter which meant he hit last and got to run around all the bases after he hit. I have a few other pictures from the game that are worth looking at: Brandon lining up to hit, Brandon rounding the bases, and Brandon cheering his team on.

Next post will be of our patio and hopefully it will be done soon!

30. June 2008 by Rick
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