Summer Sports Have Begun
Well it is that time again, summer sports! This year Brandon has chosen to just be in Tee ball. Last night was his first game and I managed to capture this perfectly timed shot of his second at bat. This year they keep track of runs and outs. The strange rules are that you can only have 10 runs an inning, or 3 outs whatever comes first, and they play 4 innings total. So after the 4 innings we were surprised to say that they tied at 24/24.
Last month Brandon also finished up his bowling league. He got his first real trophy as his team came in second. In related bowling news, we attended a charity bowling event to raise money for MS and Aiden got to bowl for the first time. I have not downloaded that camera yet but he was really cute. He would ask if it was his turn to bowl right after he took a turn. Eventually we got Brandon and Aiden their own lane. During that event I bowled a 210 to take the high game and I also managed to take the high series award and came home with a new tee shirt.
Due to budget cuts, 3M has outsourced their building security with a cheaper solution. This goose and his mate decided it was a good idea to build a nest right next to the main employee entrance at 3M Center. One would sit on the nest and the other would stand by the glass and hissed at everybody walking by. Yesterday the chicks were finally born and they have resigned their position at 3M. I wonder how many crooked plans they foiled in their tenure.