Exciting kids weekend

2009-01-09-19-40-20_upsidedownThis past weekend was pretty exciting for the kids. Friday night was Brandon’s cub scout pack meeting. During this pack meeting Brandon earned his Bobcat badge. At the moment he has to wear it upside down until he does a good deed.. But the exciting part was that during the pack meeting we had to pin the badge on him, but with him being held upside down! After the meeting the pack had a pizza and movie party with lots of young sugared up kids running everywhere.

2009-01-10-10-09-52_img_02Saturday was Brandon’s first skiing lesson at Afton Alps. He was in a smaller class with just 4 other kids and loved every second of the class. They spent the day going up the small magic carpet and down the meadows bunny hill, navigating obstacles and learning how to stop. By the end of the day we was so much more confident that after two lessons from dad. Click here to see a small crappily zoomed in phone camera picture of him in action.

Not to be outdone, it was a busy week for Aiden as well. He started potty training on the 5th and this was his first weekend at home with underwear on. There was a nice ending to a very stressfull day on Saturday which was filled with accidents, Aiden asked to use the potty before bed and actually went this time!

Sunday was so much better for Aiden.. He learned the feelings and only had two just missed pee accidents, otherwise he told us everytime before he had to go. The other landmark for him is that he is now comfortable in his new bed and has slept mostly through the night all weekend. Yeah for sleep for mom and dad!

Back to work and the grindstone today… Enjoy everybody!

12. January 2009 by Rick
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