Oh what a weekend

Friday morning Danith left for a sewing weekend in Eau Claire and I had a Dad weekend with the kids. Once I picked them up from school and day care we pitched in to straighten up the house. Otherwise Friday was not too eventful.

2009-03-14-09-51-21_img_089Saturday morning started off bright and early, as Brandon got up at 6am, excited for the day. His Grandma Braun was coming to watch his pinewood derby race at 10am. As I prepared the kids breakfast I started to notice feeling more and more tired and my stomach more and more rocky.. Not a good way to start the busy day ahead.

Around 9am my Mother arrived and the kids were crazy with excitement. Brandon showed off his derby car, Aiden was trying to show her the books he liked and the most needy kid, Max, wanted all of her attention.

The derby went well. Brandon had a good time watching all the cars zoom down the track. The overall excitement level was pretty high. His car was not first and it was not last. It finished right in the middle of the pack. As Brandon likes to point out, his car came in first during it’s last run. 🙂

After the derby the kids were starving. My stomach was in bad shape so I knew I was not going to be eating much, so I let them decide where we ate. That was a bad mistake.. They choose Mc Donald’s. All in all not a bad place as they can run around, but the smells of the greasy food did me no favors. It was all I could do to give them 30 minutes to eat and play before I had to leave to get home.

My mother helped out a lot after we got back home. She took the kids on a walk to the park to play. I was able to lay down and rest for a few hours, everybody won. After a light nap I was in the middle of the fever but at least my stomach settled down some.

Grandma Braun left about 4pm for home, but I was not stuck with both kids long. Brandon’s friend Jack came home shortly after and he went over to play and was there until a bit after 6pm. Aiden was content to play in the playroom on his own and occasionally bug me for some juice or to help him go potty. I was very lucky to have such wonderful boys.

Sunday morning I had to get Brandon ready for church class. I was only feeling marginally better, but got him there anyways. While we was in class, Aiden and I got gas, some drinks and a car wash. That pretty much ate up the hour we had to kill while BG was in class.

Once we got back home the kids were up in the sewing and computer room playing. At some point someone stepped on Danith’s sewing machine acrylic table. When we were leaving the room I noticed it had a big crack in it. Uh Oh.

2009-03-16-17-40-46_img_001So Danith returned Sunday afternoon and took the boys to her parents house for dinner with the family. I stayed home to rest and to not infect the rest of the family. I felt bad about the table and Danith mentioned it cost $100. I figured it could not be more than $20 of materials in the table so went to Home Depot and picked up the supplies to duplicate the table. I was wrong about the costs.. It cost only $15 to replace the table. The picture shows my replication, not too bad, just a few minor imperfections.

17. March 2009 by Rick
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